The Future Starts Here

At the millennium, all those numbers on the clock ticked over together and we entered an age that was once the realm of science fiction.

Today, prime ministers and presidents seem to be at the mercy of events. Tax seems optional for some and it is uncertain who is in control and how we work together for good.

2097: We Made Ourselves Over springs from a desire to explore our capacity for self-determination and resilience in this context; to ask questions about the respective roles of technology, utopia and our own imaginations in setting a course for the future. Over the coming year, we hope to raise some difficult questions about the challenges we face and, with your help, uncover some exciting and unexpected answers.

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Watch Interviews

Find out future predictions and have your say.

Over November and December, we interviewed with people from Aarhus and Hull – from school children to experts on sea-level rise, smart cities and community activism.

At the beginning of each month, we’ll release new interviews on our YouTube channel, concentrating on a different theme each time. Do you agree with what they have to say about the future of your city?

This month we’re exploring collaborative economies and asking how technology can rebuild trust and create social value.

Watch our interview with Dave Shepherdson, one of the masterminds behind a new digital social currency called Hull Coin, for his prediction of the future.


2097: Live in Hull and Aarhus – the full story

2097: Live in Hull and Aarhus – the full story

The future literally knocks on the door in 2097: We Made Ourselves Over. It insists on being let in and examined in all its aspects and implications. – Kunsten-nu   Our biggest and most ambitious work to date, 2097: We Made Ourselves Over was inspired by the citizens of two cities and sought to build on…

“They promised us jet packs…”

“They promised us jet packs…”

This time last year, a group of twenty people from around Hull came together to talk about the future of the city. All over 60 – the eldest born in 1934 – we looked back at the changes over the past 80 years. Central to the discussions was how communities around the city had transformed.…

It’s 2097. And today you died.

It’s 2097. And today you died.

You can imagine that asking a room full of 10 year old children what 2097 has in store would throw up some interesting responses. Among the flying cars and hover boards, a surprising number held fairly bleak visions of the future; of being dominated by machines or – one of the three favourite ideas chosen…

The giant robots of Hedon

The giant robots of Hedon

Aarhus and Hull are both home to some of the largest machines you might get to see. Across the water from the city centre in each you’ll find the cranes and lifters of their respective ports – moving containers cars and bulk material by the tonne.  While the new Siemens factory in Hull has begun…

Casting Call

Want to star in a series of sci-fi shorts?

Are you up for a challenge and ready to take your next step in professional acting? The search is on for the best young acting talent Hull has to offer as a casting call launches for the leading roles in a series of sci-fi films being shot in the city.

We’re looking for three professional actresses aged 16-18 from the Humber and East Riding areas of the city, available to take part in filming in Hull and Aarhus in June and July 2017.

Interested candidates are asked to email with a recent photo of themselves and their full name, age and address by May 8.

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2097 is an ambitious international collaboration bringing together

Aarhus European Capital of Culture 2017 and Hull UK City of Culture 2017

Aarhus 2017Hull 2017

Arts Council England